This week was a lot of fun! We learned a lot about the importance of making dummy copies of our books to test out the format, page turns, pacing, etc.
To make mine, I scanned in the thumbnails that I made last week, enlarged them a little, added text in InDesign, then printed them, cut them out and glued them together.
Flip through of my rough book dummy:
Here’s the first draft of finished artwork for one of the interior spreads:
… and the second draft of the artwork for the first spread is below. I heard about an open submission day late last week, so the first version of the artwork was rushed. I deepened some of the colours in Photoshop to meet the deadline since who knows when I’ll have another chance to get my work in front of a respected publisher?
The second image is the same artwork but I added another layer of watercolour, and went over the main characters and foreground elements with a slightly heavier pen to make them stand out from the background. I like this version better!